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Tickets and QR scanner R.TIGER

4.6 ( 8896 ratings )

App for scanning QR-codes of tickets bought on
This app is an easy and effective way of ticket control for your event. The app scans the QR-codes instantly delivering all the order information. It’s quick and comfortable — there’s no need for printing the tickets and waiting in lines at the registration desk. All you need is a smartphone with internet connection.
The app is totally safe. Each code is encrypted and is valid for only one particular event which makes it impossible to falsify. You can use the scanner anytime, day and night, in any weather conditions — scanning the gadget screen or any other surface.

Quick and safe — the app doesn’t share any personal info;
No additional hardware — only a smartphone needed;
Works with any internet connection — even a weak one;
Saves the battery — the app is only a couple megabytes and is really easy on the battery.

All the operations take place at R.TIGER servers which guarantees the tickets safety and authenticity.